James Shaw Omloop Het Nieuwsblad: "I loved every minute of it"

Door Kurt Vermeerbergen op 2 Jun 2014 - 19:51
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Donderdag was er de 'Omloop Het Nieuwsblad' in  Boekhout. De Engelsman James Shaw toonde zich de snelste van alle renners. Voor cyclingsite.be schreef hij zijn blik op de wedstrijd.

It’s always good to ride in Belgium and even better to take a big win like this. Your racing is more aggressive than at home which makes it much more enjoyable. You have so many guys who are capable of taking the win that the race never lets up.

Thursday’s race was very fast but it is about pushing yourself as hard as you can go and then pushing yourself even further. You've just got to believe that every guy in the race is suffering the same and it is just a matter of who wants to go deepest into their reserves. I was over the moon with the win, you really appreciate your cyclists and that makes it so much more worthwhile. It was important to me to get a second big win in Europe after KBK at the start of the season.

I thought it would come back together before the final 10 k so I was too bothered about the break up the road as I could see the peloton was working together. It was just a matter of timing my attack right and taking a couple of guys with me. We got a good gap on the main bunch and then it was just a matter of attacking for the win making sure I didn’t go too early.

It was hard and fast but I loved every minute of it.

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