Jules Gilliam behaalt eerste zege op Belgische bodem

Door Kurt Vermeerbergen op 31 Jul 2016 - 22:01
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De Amerikaan Jules Gilliam won vandaag zijn eerste wedstrijd op Belgische bodem. In Hasselt was het volledige podium voor de Amerikaanse renners.

" I'd be glad to. I'm a part of a USA cycling development program that's given me the opportunity to race this Kermesse.": tell Jules. About halfway into the race I bridged up with a group of 3 to a solo rider around 15 seconds ahead. We worked well together for a while, but two riders began to a weaken and I decided to attack the break as the pack was hot on our tails. Then one of the stronger riders in the break bridged up to me and we held off the pack for 2 more laps. We had some cat and mouse attacks the last few kilometers, but I started my final sprint at 200 meters to go and was able to hold him off to the line. "

2 T LARSON Bjorn
3 J SCHUNK Conor

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