De kermis prijs gemeente Waarschoot werd vandaag gewonnen door de Brit Fred Wright. In totaal verschenen 88 junioren aan de start voor 13 ronden van 6,5 km.. Manu Stoopen werd beste Belg op plaats 3.
"I rode Gent Wevelgem yesterday, so the legs hurt when it all kicked off straight away. There was a break on the first lap with my team mate in it that I bridged to, we were then joined by more and more riders, some got dropped and it was down to 5 riders halfway. We then got joined by more riders including 3 of my teammates and although at some points the bunch got close we stayed away. With a lap to go in the wind it came down to 4 and after a few attacks I stayed in and managed to win the sprint. It was a tough race being away for a majority of the 80km and we weren't working as a team so racing each other made it even harder." tell Fred.