Gisteren werd er gestart met 57 juniores in Tielt voor 12 ronden van 6,8km. De Amerikaan Eric Voigt (gastrenner bij KVC Deinze) behaalde er zijn eerste zege van het seizoen.
"The first 4 laps were pretty relaxed, and then I jumped into a chase group with a few of the guys I was told to watch for. The chase was unsuccessful, but after we got caught, I attacked and solo bridged to the front break of now 8. The break was working very well together with the exception of one rider who was just wheel surfing on the back. In the last lap, there was only one attack, so I knew it was going to come down to a sprint. Knowing that I had to be 1st, or 2nd out of the final corner, I attacked into it and held the small gap that I had until the finish line.": tell Eric.