Eerste Belgische overwinning voor Michael Freiberg in Linden
Enkele weken geleden kon je op onze site al lezen over de samenwerking van Bianchi-Lotto-Nieuwe Hoop Tielen met Australie ( . Inmiddels hebben onze tegenvoeters een eerste overwinning op hun palmares staan. Michael Freiberg won de spurt in Linden van de kopgroep.
Michael Freiberg: "I am very happy with the race yesterday. It was very agressive from the start. I tried to make the early break but the race was too fast. At 2 laps to go i broke away on the hill with two other riders and we worked hard to bridge across the the 4 man breakaway. I had a very long sprint, i lead out from the corner and sucessfully took the win."