De Nieuw Zeelander Sam Dobbs heeft een schitterend weekend achter de rug. Sam won de wedstrijd zaterdag in Ooigem en zondag reed hij in zijn eentje een voorsprong bijeen van meer dan 2 minuten in Wervik. Sam bezorgde ons volgende verslagen:
So on Saturday I had a kermesee (my second race in Belgium) in ooigem, I had a good week training and my form is starting to come up to a high level after racing an NRS in Australia before I came over. The race on Saturday was hard from the beginning like they all are with attacks left right and centre. A break went after around 20km with about 8 people, it looked dangerous so I decided to ride across why the gap was only 30 seconds, as I'm new to Belgium I'm still unsure on who the good riders are so I just ride my own race and don't worry about anyone else. The gap eventually blew open to 1 minute so we started attacking each other in the last 25km, another rider who I had heard was fast and comes from a cyclocross background got away and had a 30 second gap to the break. In the finale he attacked me twice so I rode back up to his wheel and with 500m before the last corner put in an attack of my own which he could not follow. I was very happy to get my first win in Europe and it was a great boost of confidence.
On Sunday the following day, I raced in Wervik. This was a lot more simple as I attacked with 65km remaining because the break was not working so well together, at first I thought it was a stupid move along with the people on the sideline but as the km ticked down and my gap to the peloton increased to over a minute I believed I could hold them off, so from there it was full gas to the finish. At the end I was 2.15 ahead of second place.
The solo win capped off a great weekend and I hope I can continue to perform throughout my time In Belgium.